Property Detail
Monthly Rent ¥134,400 Maintenance Fee ¥0 Other ¥830 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost ¥135,230
Total to Move In (Total Monthly Cost + additional one-time only fees) Deposit ¥0 Key Money ¥0 Agency Fee ¥0 Guarantor Fee ¥0 Lock Exchange Fee ¥0 Fire Insurance ¥0 Other ¥48,400 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost* ¥135,230 * Calculated based on moving on the 1st of the month. Amount will differ based on the date you start your contract. Please note that all listed fees are estimated amounts and may differ depending on your move in date, payment method, etc. Please inquire for exact costs. Total Move-In Fees ¥183,630
Basic supply includes bed, desk/table, A/C, TV, microwave, fridge, washing machine and more! Free/Unlimited WiFi installed! ・Multiple vacancies on floors 2~5 ・The rent 134,400yen is an estimate based on the daily charge 4,480yen/day x about 30days a month. The daily charge includes 660yen/day as utilities. ・The "Other" fee of 48,400yen refers to post-moveout cleaning. ・Insurance Fee : 830yen/month. ※The displayed rent is the campaign price. ※We have some conditions for applying the campaign price so please contact us.
Daitabashi Station (Keiō Line) 3 min. walk
Daitabashi Station (3 min. walk) Keiō Line
キャンペーン利用条件 ■2か月間以上ご利用 ■2021年8月31日までに入居開始 ■最長6か月間までキャンペーン適用 ■延長時、割引の適用はございません 定価は135,000円のお部屋です。 Information not available in English
Fully furnished apartment with free Wi-Fi!
キャンペーン利用条件 ■2か月間以上ご利用 ■2021年8月31日までに入居開始 ■最長6か月間までキャンペーン適用 ■延長時、割引の適用はございません 定価は135,000円のお部屋です。 Information not available in English
Building is located in a very convenient area with shopping arcade and super market that is open until late night.