Property Detail
Monthly Rent ¥38,000 Maintenance Fee ¥0 Other ¥0 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost ¥38,000
Total to Move In (Total Monthly Cost + additional one-time only fees) Deposit ¥38,000 Key Money ¥0 Agency Fee ¥0 Guarantor Fee ¥0 Other ¥0 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost* ¥38,000 * Calculated based on moving on the 1st of the month. Amount will differ based on the date you start your contract. Please note that all listed fees are estimated amounts and may differ depending on your move in date, payment method, etc. Please inquire for exact costs. Total Move-In Fees ¥76,000
Full furnished with Washer / Dryer, fridge(with freezer), microwave,bed, working or study table,chair, sofa, dining table 38000rent applies when long term one year contract in such case one year advance payment is needed. Otherwise monthly rent is 48000yen plus 2000yen water Asahiya beer shop beers from all over the world and from all around Japan at reasonable price near(one of my tenant recommended call to landlord 090-1958-8354 LINE bm11newk mail
Senbayashiomiya Station (Osaka Metro Subway Tanimachi Line) 1 min. walk
Senbayashiomiya Station (1 min. walk) Osaka Metro Subway Tanimachi Line
Water costs 2000yen / month electricity and gas by meter
1 minute walk to the station(senbayashi omiya tanimachiline subway) 12 minitues ride to Umeda Close to shopping area,post office,and city hall. Quiet regidential atea
Water costs 2000yen / month electricity and gas by meter