Japan, 857-1152 Kurokamicho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki
One small bedroom with a bed for one child or a small teenager. Two bedroom with a dbl beds for two adults in each.
Very close to the city center in a quiet neighborhood with plenty of parking space. Within walking distance to Kringlan Shopping Center and close to Swimming pools.
189-1 KurokamichÅ, Sasebo, Nagasaki 857-1152, Japan from the apartment. The City center, as well as swimming pools, are just 10 minutes walk away.
The airport is located 45 minutes from the city center and it's serviced conveniently and regularly by fly bus to BSI central bus stop. From here take a bus or a taxi (5 min) or a walk for 15-20 min.
10 minutes walk to the center, or you can take buses nr. 3 or 6.
Late check in fee of to be paid at arrival.
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