Property Detail
Monthly Rent ¥228,000 Maintenance Fee ¥30,000 Other ¥33,000 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost ¥291,000
Total to Move In (Total Monthly Cost + additional one-time only fees) Deposit ¥0 Key Money ¥0 Agency Fee ¥16,500 Guarantor Fee ¥0 Other ¥0 (Please inquire for details) Total Monthly Cost* ¥291,000 * Calculated based on moving on the 1st of the month. Amount will differ based on the date you start your contract. Please note that all listed fees are estimated amounts and may differ depending on your move in date, payment method, etc. Please inquire for exact costs. Total Move-In Fees ¥307,500
Stylishly Furnished, Short-Term Stay OK, Credit Card Payment Accepted, NO Guarantor Needed, NO Key Money, NO Commission Fee, NO Guarantor Fee, NO Key Change Fee, Well furnished. Close to many great restaurants and shops.
Kita Sandou Station (Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line) 3 min. walk Harajuku Station (JR Yamanote Line) 10 min. walk
Kita Sandou Station (3 min. walk) Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line
Monthly payment Internet & Utility fee: 33,300 yen Initial payment: Contract fee: 16,500 yen Departure cleaning fee: short-term (more than 1 month and less than 3 months)29,480yen Middle-term(3 months or more to less than 7 months)41,580yen long-term(7 months or more to less than 12 months)53,680yen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your contract is more than 1 year, a deposit is needed.
●Kita-Sando station ( 3 min on foot) ●Jr Harajuku station ( 10 min on foot) ●stylish furniture ●furnished apartments
Monthly payment Internet & Utility fee: 33,300 yen Initial payment: Contract fee: 16,500 yen Departure cleaning fee: short-term (more than 1 month and less than 3 months)29,480yen Middle-term(3 months or more to less than 7 months)41,580yen long-term(7 months or more to less than 12 months)53,680yen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your contract is more than 1 year, a deposit is needed.